A tasty and nutritious milk for both children and adults to enjoy. You can drink almond milk from a glass, dunk your gluten-free Oatmeal Raisin Cookies in it, pour it over Marvelous Muesli, or use it in most recipes in place of dairy milk. Ingredients: 1 cup raw almonds, soaked for 8 hours or overnight, […]
Sweet Potato Fries
A super simple way to turn sweet potatoes or white potatoes into baked fries. Have them with dinner or make them part of your next picnic lunch. Ingredients: 4 medium sweet potatoes or white potatoes, peeled and sliced into long strips, about 1/2-inch wide 1/4 cup grape seed oil 1/2 cup Italian parsley, stems removed […]
Hawaii Punch
A delicious and refreshing punch made with a juice extractor. Juicing* presses or shreds vegetables and fruits and remove all the pulp, which is ideal for juice cleansing**. Ingredients: 4 carrots (2 cups chopped) 2 celery stalks (2/3 cup chopped) 1/4 medium beet (1/2 cup) 1/4 pineapple, rind*** removed (1 1/2 cups chopped) 1 tablespoon […]
Corn Tortillas
Corn tortillas are simple to make and require only a few ingredients, with the main ingredient being masa harina, which is Spanish for “dough flour.” It’s named this because the flour is made from dried masa, which is a dough made from corn treated in a solution of lime and water. The dough is then […]

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