A no-bake rich chocolate dessert with a maple glaze. Even if you’re not vegan you’ll like this dessert. You may even love it! Crust Ingredients: 1 cup raw cashews 1/2 cup raw pecans 1/2 cup raw shredded coconut, unsweetened* 1/4 cup raisins 2 tablespoons cacao powder 1 teaspoon pure, alcohol-free vanilla extract* 1 teaspoon Himalayan […]
Valentine Cookies
Tasty frosted valentine cookies! And believe it or not, they’re vegan and gluten-free! That is, as long as you don’t choose animal derived ingredients, and do choose ingredients made in a gluten-free facility. If you’re not sure, call the manufacturer to ask. Make these cookies for Valentine’s Day, to share with those you love. Ingredients: […]
Creamy Carob Pudding
A creamy smooth carob pudding! Perfect for an after-dinner dessert, or whenever! Ingredients: 3 ripe avocados 8 to 10 pitted dates* soaked in coconut water** for 2 hours then drained 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 4 heaping tablespoons carob powder*** pinch of Himalayan salt 1 cup filtered water, or an adjusted amount. Directions: Place all […]
Delicious Nut Butter
A delicious nut butter spread that will surely go fast — it’s that good. Spread some on celery sticks or Flax Seed Crackers for a satisfying snack! Ingredients: 2 cups raw almonds 1 1/2 cups raw sunflower seeds 1/2 teaspoons finely ground Himalayan salt Directions: Place the nuts and seeds on separate large baking sheets, […]

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