A super simple way to turn sweet potatoes or white potatoes into baked fries. Have them with dinner or make them part of your next picnic lunch. Ingredients: 4 medium sweet potatoes or white potatoes, peeled and sliced into long strips, about 1/2-inch wide 1/4 cup grape seed oil 1/2 cup Italian parsley, stems removed […]
Stevia Powder and Liquid
Stevia can be added to foods and beverages to give them a sweet taste. It’s non-glycemic (won’t raise your blood sugar), calorie-free, and much much sweeter than refined white sugar — so you only need a small amount. Some find stevia slightly bitter, but given time your taste buds adapt. You may even grow to […]
Pomegranate Smoothie
Loaded with vitamin C, this strawberry pomegranate smoothie is really good for your health, and tastes really really good! Ingredients: 1/3 cup pomegranate juice* 2 cups frozen strawberries 1/2 frozen banana 2 tablespoons shelled hemp seeds 1 1/2 cups coconut water ice ** 1/4 teaspoon stevia powder, or to taste (optional) pomegranate seeds, to taste. […]
Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
If you like pumpkin pie, you’ll like this smoothie. It’s made with pumpkin puree and a variety of rich spices, such as cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and more. Makes two tall glasses for you and a family member or friend to drink in the autumn months, or any time of the year! Ingredients: 1 (150z) Farmers […]

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